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Burkhard Heim Media

Great Youtube channel with excellent explanatory videos about Burkhard Heim’s theory. Absolutely recommendable! English subtitles available.

Imago Mundi – Resch publishing house: Burkhard Heim – life and work

Illobrand von Ludwiger’s research page about Burkhard Heim

very detailed introduction pages from Olaf Posdzech with clear images and explanations (english)

The Unified Quantum Field Theory of Burkhard Heim

an abstract from Heim’s friend, Illobrand von Ludwiger (German)

short and understandable introduction from Wolfgang Ludwig about the Heim theories (German)

radio interview: Illobrand von Ludwiger at cropfm (highly recommended, German only)

short review on the gravitational works of Heim (English)

articles for advanced propulsion systems, based on Heim’s theories (authors: Dröscher, W., Häuser, J.))

For that is what science gives us: certainty, not truth. The truth is that there exist such phenomena [comment: what you cannot explain], but science is interested in truth only as second priority aspect. Science wants certainty, i.e. control over things. That is much more important and something completely different than looking for the truth. Seeking the truth is not the primary aspect of science.“
Illobrand v. Ludwiger

On are interviews about Burkhard Heim’s theories and researches with his long-term friend, Illobrand von Ludwiger (search tag in guest section: von Ludwiger), about Heim’s theories. Highly recommended (German only).

book recommendations:

a freely available English book from Illobrand von Ludwiger:

Unfortunately, there are no good English videos about Burkhard Heim available. But maybe this video with Tom Campbell may give you some insights what matter is (a particle ? a wave? a field?) and where consciousness can be located and how it is related to our existence. These statements can be brought in agreement with Heim’s model of the universe.