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Remote Viewing Media

Presentation at the IRVA (International Remote Viewing) conference 2020

Neue Horizonte TV (12.01.2017): Remote Viewing – Grenzenlose Information

Neue Horizonte TV (13.07.2017): Remote Viewing in der Wirtschaft – intuitive Lösungen außerhalb der Logikbox

Manfred Jelinski, the Grandsigneur of the German Remote Viewing scene, is interviewed by Götz Wittneben.

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Recent interview with Lyn Buchanan, one of the former Military Remote Viewers at Fort Meade.

RV presentation frmo Joe McMoneagle:

RV presentation from Hal Puthoff, former RV research director at SRI International

Another introduction and history about Remote Viewing can be seen in this video. The artist Ingo Swann is regarded as the “Father of Remote Viewing” who created the so called “Coordinate Remote Viewing” protocol.

Jupiter Remote Viewing experiment performed by Ingo Swann in  1973

An article from the SRI Int. Project manager, Hall Puthoff

eight martinis, ein Remote Viewing Magazin

Book recommendations:

Paul H. Smith: Reading the Enemy’s Mind: Inside Star Gate: America’s Psychic Espionage Program (Kindle-Edition, 620 Seiten)

Lyn Buchanan: The Seventh Sense: The Secrets of Remote Viewing as Told by a „Psychic Spy“ for the U.S. Military (Verlag: Gallery Books, 297 Seiten, ISBN-10: 0743462688, ISBN-13: 978-0743462686

Joseph McMoneagle: Mind Trek – Autobiographie eines Psi-Agenten (Omega Verlag Bongart-Meier, 328 Seiten, ISBN-13: 978-3930243112, ISBN-10: 3930243113)
(Anm.: Amerika’s Remote Viewer #001 erzählt über Remote Viewing)

Joseph McMoneagle: Remote Viewing Secrets – The Handbook for Developing und Extending Your Psychic Abilities: a Handbook (Hampton Rubs Pub, 296 Seiten, ISBN-13: 978-1571741592, ISBN-10: 1571741593)